Parents of toddlers know that life can be difficult, but choosing a perfect toddler boy hairstyle can make getting out of the door in the morning a bit easier. Since toddler boys are so busy and constantly on the go, parents need to make sure to choose a haircut and style that will fit their son’s personality and look great all day long.
Cutest Haircuts for Toddler Boys
While there are some great haircuts that parents can consider that will make their child look older, these generally require more care and work in the morning.
Parents who want to be able to get out the door as quickly as possible must make sure to consider a hairstyle for their toddler boys that doesn’t require a lot of daily care to look great. Check out the below list of the adorable hairstyles for little boys:
1. Toddler With Cute and Short Thin Hair
This is a shorter cut that takes away most of the length, allowing the toddler boy wearing this thin hairstyle to play without any problems.
Keeping the hair off of the face, as well as up and off of the ears, results in a cute style that looks great on any boy. As an added bonus, it’s very easy to style and take care of in the morning.
2. Longer on Top
There’s no reason why toddler boy’s haircuts can’t include a little product to help define the hair and make the boy really stand out.
This fun style involves shorter sides and a longer top, which is then styled and spiked slightly with some product. The end result is fun and a little bit trendy.
3. Curly Blonde Hair for Toddler Boys
Kid’s curly hair looks great when it’s allowed to be free, but not incredibly messy. These thicker curls have plenty of volumes, which is why they look great tangled in a mass on the top of the head.
The end result is very cherubic and refreshing, making any little boy look incredibly sweet and innocent.
4. Bangs to the Eyebrows
Bangs don’t have to be swept away from the face for a baby boy to look his best. This fun look has slightly longer bangs that are allowed to hang down in the face a little.
As long as they are regularly trimmed so that they don’t reach the eyes, they will look great. Keeping them just to the eyebrows is a perfect length.
5. Side-Swept Bangs with Cut-Out Ears
Cutting out the ears instantly makes a style look nicer and more grown-up. Pairing the shorter sides and back of this haircut with a longer top is a cute style for any toddler boy.
The longer bangs are swept to the side so that they look full and healthy, and are allowed to cover up the forehead, creating a very attractive look.
6. Toddler With Hair Design
Some toddler boys are more outgoing and want to express themselves through the hair, which is when a fun design is a good option.
This spiky hairstyle already has a ton of personality, but adding a star design on the side of the head elevates it even more. Plenty of product and a spunky personality work great with this cut.
7. Hard Part Haircut for Boys
A slightly longer top looks great when used with faded sides. The fade doesn’t need to be so short that it shows skin, but a great fade will make the long hair on the top of the head become even more of a focal point.
A strong part and the hair swept over to the side shows off this toddler boy’s hairstyle and looks great.
8. Long Hairstyle for Toddler – Loose Volume with Wavy Hair
The loose volume that wavy hair can provide is especially attractive when the hair is allowed to grow a bit longer.
Allowing it to reach down to the chin and to cover up the ear allows the full movement of the waves or slight curls to shine. This is an easy style for parents who love their son’s curls and want to show them off.
9. Plenty of Free and Longer Curls
Longer and tighter curls are an excellent choice to allow to be free and to have plenty of movement. These curls stick up from the head and halo the face, creating an incredible look that is gorgeous and delightful.
They don’t take a lot of care each day, although this boy haircut for toddlers does require regular trims to prevent the hair from getting weighed down.
10. Slightly Curled Bangs
Just a little bit of curl on the bangs haircut looks great on toddler boys. This is a wonderful choice for little boys who have very thick hair that has a little movement to it, otherwise, the hair will look flat and fall around the face instead of curling gently across the forehead and away from the eyes.
11. High Pomp with Fade for Boys
A high fade allows the full volume on the top of the head to be the real star. The higher long hair on the top of this cut can be spiked straight up so that it sticks up from the head and adds some height and design to the cut.
12. Loose Curls Kept Off the Forehead
Loose curls can sometimes get in the way when toddler boys with long hair are on the go, but not when they are trained to stay off of the forehead and fall gently around the face.
When the curls are trained correctly, then this hair can be worn as long as desired, as long as the weight doesn’t pull the curl from the strands.
13. Tighter Curls Cut Shorter
Tighter curls look very cute when cut shorter to the head so that they form a sort of halo. These thick and tighter curls are very full and attractive.
Since they are cut shorter and aren’t allowed to grow out as long as on other styles, there is very little chance of the hair getting in the face. This is one of the cutest curly hairstyles for toddler boys.
14. Barely There Wispy Bangs
Short wispy bangs are some of the most charming toddler boy hairstyles. This look makes any boy look very young and inquisitive, which is why it’s such a popular option among parents.
Keeping the bangs shorter ensures that they won’t get in the face and become a problem throughout the day.
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15. Deeper Side Part
A slightly deeper side part looks great when the bangs are swept to the other side of the face. These bangs don’t have to be particularly long, as long as they are all styled in the same direction.
The end result is very grown-up and makes any toddler look nice and neat, rather than messy and out of control.
16. Spiked up All Over
Rambunctious toddler boys will love the way that their hair looks when it’s spiked up and has a ton of personality. This great look is full of volume and energy, making it a great option for busy boys.
Shorter sides contribute to the look and make the long hair on top really stand out. It does take more work in the morning than some other styles do.
17. Cute Bowl Cut for Boys
Bowl cuts won’t ever go out of style, simply because they are so easy to cut and take care of and the fact that they look so cute on any little boy.
This is a great hairdo option for toddlers with thinner and thicker hair and doesn’t require a lot of work in the morning before heading out the door. The simple cut is classic and always looks great.
18. Short and Sweetly Styled
Shorter hair that is sweetly brushed to one side is a clean look for the baby boys. This haircut has shorter hair all over, which means that there isn’t any long hair that will require a lot of product to control.
The shorter bangs rest on the top of the forehead, and the ears are cut out, completing this refreshing look.
19. Thick Fauxhawk for Little Boys
Every toddler boy wants to be tough and grown-up, and this is a great haircut for kids who are looking to express their independence. A fauxhawk is a bold cut and one that is sure to attract a lot of attention.
Not all parents will want to spend the time necessary to style this cut, but those who do will be rewarded by its trendy appearance.
20. Lots of Longer Curls on Top
Plenty of curls piled on the top of the head look great on any toddler boy. The sides have curls as well, but they are cut a little bit shorter so that the full volume and movement of the curls on top are the real focal point.
This is a messy look that doesn’t need to be tamed every day.
21. Toddler Boy’s Comb Over
Shorter hair that is slicked back from the face will make any toddler look a bit older. This simple toddler hairstyle for boys is easy to cut and to care for. It looks best on little boys who have thicker hair, as the fullness of the hair will determine how voluminous the finished style is.
These 21 toddler boy haircuts are all great options for parents to consider and will make taking care of a boy’s hair easier than ever. Parents who want their son to look trendy, stylish, and cute, will want to choose one of these great options.