Words of encouragement are very important for a sick child. Besides medicines, kind words from family and friends can make a big difference in their recovery.
We understand the importance of encouragement for a sick child, so we have compiled a list of them for you to refer to below. When your child is feeling down and out from illness, these words can be the spark they need for a strong comeback.
Words of Encouragement for Sick Child

Let them know how strong they are, and tell them that they will be getting over the sickness in no time. Remind them of the good times and encourage them to continue taking good care of themselves – that’s how they can recover soon!
Teach them that the medicine may be bitter, but that is the key that will shorten the duration in which they are sick to its bare minimum. In any case, these courageous words and quotes for the sick child should help to lighten your duty a little!
Here’s what we recommend: Print out the little cards that we have made for you below every word of encouragement for sick child below, and read it all out loud for your child!
You can also arrange the printed cards below into a tiny booklet, and let your child read it when he or she is feeling down while they are still sick. In any case, do give the words of encouragement for sick child below a read, and find the most suitable ones for your sick child today!
1. Keep your mind strong and your body will follow through. Get well soon!
2. I know you are not feeling well, but I’ll be here to help you get better. Stay strong!
3. You are stronger than you think. You can fight this!
4. It’s sad that you’re sick. Recover fast so that we can play in the park again!
5. I’m so proud of how brave you are in fighting this battle. Get well soon, dear child.
6. Soon, you will be playing like how you used to. We wish you a speedy recovery!
7. This home is too quiet when you are sick. Get well soon and make some noise!
8. The world needs its superhero, so recover quickly and save the world once more!
9. Did my little Superman get sick? It’s okay, I know you will bounce back in no time!
10. Get well soon my little princess, there’s plenty of teatimes with teddy waiting to be had!
11. Likely that you are ill does not prevent you from recovering. I’m sharing big cuddles with my special baby. Recover soon.
12. Remember that God offers us stability when we require it the most, and I hope that you take solace during this difficult time.
13. It’s fine not to feel positive all of the time. This is a tricky time, and you know I’ll always be there to support you.
14. Today is a great day to be daring, keep your faith, and know you have our support. We hope and bow down for your healing.
15. You’re a strong little warrior who can overcome any disease. I really want to see you energized again.
16. I’d like to see your happy face again. Please recover quickly, you little Rockstar. All I ask is that God protects you with a healthy life. Get better soon.
17. You have such bravery, kiddo. It won’t be much longer before you’re feeling better. There is no one braver than you!
18. I need you to be fit and positive again as soon as possible. Keep hold of yourself and feel happier. I’m sending you my warm wishes for your bravery!
19. Without you, our life feels so vacant. Please get well soon because you can return to your rightful place.
20. I understand how unpleasant it is to be in the clinics! However, you are our superstar, and we hope you recover quickly!
21. Hold on tight, my cool little star, and you’ll be fine and reigning over your empire again shortly!
22. I pray for speedy healing so you can return to the school field as soon as possible. Then, get plenty of rest to feel positive again!
23. You’re so courageous, and I admire your optimism throughout this difficult time. You can absolutely do it!
24. I understand these sayings may appear insignificant, but I wish they can boost your confidence and reassure you how much I worry about you.
25. I believe you’re feeling better by the day. I pray that God grants you a great rest and continued overall wellness.
Did you find the words of encouragement for sick child above inspiring or motivational for your own sick child? We sure hope that you did, and we also hope that your child will like the quotes as well. Of course, we wish your sick child a speedy recovery. You can be sure that your child has our best wishes!
I think you shouldn’t say: “Get well soon!” because the child might be forever sick…